The Blending of Two Curriculum Rich Preschool Gymnastics Programs!
We are very excited to now announce the blending of our Tumblebug Program with the Sweet Peas Program, an educational gymnastics program which shares our philosophy and culture of purposeful movement steeped in Fun and exploration. Gym Magic is the first gym in New Mexico to offer this stellar educational gymnastics program which has received rave reviews nationally and internationally.
Let us introduce you to Sweet Peas! Each year (One Pea, Two Peas and so on) has a dedicated curriculum filled with age appropriate activities that promote coordination, balance, core strength, bilateral awareness and flexibility - very similar to our Tumblebug Program.
Sweet Peas Gymnastics Announcements
Love working with children?
We are always excited to bring on new team members to the Gym Magic Kids family! We are always looking for kind, caring, and patient people looking for a rewarding and fulfilling career. Apply today at GymMagic.com/apply
Enrolling 6 mos. - 5 years
We are now enrolling Wee Peas all the way to Five Peas! Be the first to attend our brand new program! We have multiple classes available throughout the day on Tuesday! Find the class that works best for you!
Sweet Peas
Educational Gymnastics
Founded in educational gymnastics, the Sweet Peas curriculum focuses on age appropriate gymnastics activities that foster coordination, balance, core strength, bilateral awareness and flexibility. Taught in a social, collaborative environment, Sweet Peas provides important life lessons in self-awareness, courage, success and friendship. The Sweet Peas curriculum is centered around excellent, progressive gymnastics training which incorporates color recognition, language development, spatial relations, music awareness, measurements and counting skills. Sweet Peas learn how to listen to their teacher, follow instructions and wait for their turn. They learn to enjoy their own achievements and to encourage and applaud the success of their classmates. We know that every Sweet Pea learns at his or her own rate. The Sweet Peas program engages children through expertly designed lesson plans that provide structure and productivity in the gymnastics classroom while at the same time allowing flexibility and pacing for each unique child.
Wee Pea
6-12 Months
Carefully designed for babies learning to sit and crawl. Wee Peas provides our littlest students with active learning activities that focus on whole baby development. Wee Peas are given opportunities to move, reach and grasp in a baby safe environment that is rich with color, sound and tactile experiences. Wee Peas learn to recognize their name in class and react to identifying themselves to the teacher.
Pea Squad
1-2 Years
The Pea Squad, a recently introduced class, ingeniously blends the elements of the one pea and 2 pea classes, promising an exciting and dynamic experience for participants. Held at The Village, this parent/child class offers a fantastic opportunity for bonding and shared learning between parents and their children. With a duration of 45 minutes, the Pea Squad class ensures that families can make the most out of their time together, fostering both physical activity and fun. Join us for an unforgettable adventure in the world of peas!
Five Pea
5 Years
Five Peas are ready to test their skills! Five-year olds have reached physical and developmental milestones that allow them to progress rapidly. With longer limbs, more refined coordination, and stronger language skills, the Five Pea can run faster, climb higher and hold longer.
Five Peas are refining their technique with focus and form and lines. The Five Pea curriculum includes bridges, handstands, L-handstands and stronger executions of rolls. The Five Pea cartwheel demonstrates proper sequencing and a more refined lunge finish.
One Pea
1 Year
One Peas are ready to move! With their newly developing upright mobility (and sometimes a mix of both eagerness and hesitation), One Peas are beginning to understand words and ideas. The active learning goals of One Peas promote neural development in the amazing one year old brain. The One Peas' curriculum is designed to provide enriching activities in a safe and fun environment. One Peas learn self awareness and physical adaptation through developmentally appropriate gymnastics activities such as stepping, rolling, balancing, sliding and swinging.
Three Pea
3 Years
Three year olds are ready to go! Three Peas are gaining increased motor development, eye hand coordination and fine motor skills! Three Peas are also quickly assimilating language and are able to understand and independently follow basic instructions in gymnastics class. The Three Pea curriculum is designed to provide skill development on floor, beam, bars, and vault. Three Peas work on forward rolls, straddle rolls and Three Pea cartwheels. They increase their balance with beam work that includes alternating forward kicks, squat hold, relevé walks and beam crawls.
Two Pea
2 Years
Two year olds are amazing! Two Peas are gaining independence! The Two Peas program is designed to capitalize on the rapidly improving physical, cognitive and language development of two year olds. Two Peas provides gross motor skill development with whole body activities in developmentally appropriate circuits. Two Peas learn to run with developing synchronization; step, hold and balance on alternate feet; roll forward, sideways and backwards on a wedge with a spot...
Four Pea
4 Years
Four-year olds are on the go! Four Peas can run, hop, climb and throw a ball. Their increasing strength makes them faster and more deliberate. Their increasing strength makes them able to perform many new gymnastics skills. Their cognitive development is growing by leaps and bounds and they and they are able to interpret and remember learning objectives. Four Peas can recognize and name many letters and numbers. They can count in unison and repeat simple stories and sequences.