Level 1 | Dev. Program | Xcel | Mens
Coaches | Dynamic Angels

Level 1
Non-competitive invite only class
Our Level 1 is our pre-team non-competitive invite only class. Time commitment is limited and parent support is encouraged. Level 1 will prepare gymnasts for competition with the main focuses being shape training, mastering core skills, increasing strength, increasing flexibility and challenging endurance. This class is preparing them for a future in competitive gymnastics.

Recreational competition team
Gym Magic is the only gym in Las Cruces that offers the USAG Xcel program! Xcel is a nationally recognized alternate program from the Junior Olympic competitive track. Gym Magic offers Xcel, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Xcel is designed for gymnasts who want to participate in competitive gymnastics but might also have separate extracurricular activities, or less time, or financial resources to designate to gymnastics.

Junior Olympics
Competition team
Gym Magic offers a highly qualified and decorated competitive girls program. We have gymnasts from levels 2 thru optional. Gymnasts start participating in competitive gymnastics starting at level 2 going 4-6 hours a week. From levels 3+ the hours range from 9-16 per week. Our girls compete in approximately 4-9 competitions per season depending on level.

Dynamic Angels
Invite only developmental program
Dynamics is a special invitation only team. These girls show hard work, dedication, and talent. Dynamics was created for girls who work hard in practice and have all skills required for their current team. In dynamics athletes get the opportunity to work “up skills” for the next level have 1 hour of ballet technique training and extra strength and endurance. Dynamics get extra practice hours and leotards that are specific to them. Level 3+ can join this team, if invited.

Men's Gymnastics
Our men's gymnastics team focuses on strength and technique to perform on all 6 apparatuses. We offer pre team and competitive levels 3-7+. Our competitive boys team practices anywhere from 8-12 hours per week. This program involves high energy, and fast paced learning and developmental skills. For more information contact David Myer, head boys coach at david@gymmagic.com